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Who We Are

Founded in 1967, the Fraternal Order of Police, Delaware Lodge 5, is an organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers that comprise the work force of the New Castle County Police Department.  We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving New Castle County.  We are committed to improving the working conditions of our members and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, and employee representation.

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Current News

Keeping Everyone Informed


New Castle County Council passes annual operating and capital budgets 

New Castle County Council unanimously passes its Fiscal Year 2025 operating and capital budgets.

The operating budget is about 342.4 million, about a 3.3 percent increase from last year, and includes no property tax or sewer rate increases.

School Application

Delaware’s largest county adopts ‘Video 911’ to give dispatchers ‘eyes and ears on the scene’

Delaware’s largest county, home to 580,000 people, has enhanced its 911 system for serious situations where dispatchers might want to get real-time visual data from a suspected crime scene.

New Castle County is the first jurisdiction in the state to adopt the technology that dozens of locales across the country now utilize.


Lawmakers fine-tune probation and parole reform legislation

Senate Concurrent Resolution 175 would create a 16-member Probation System Task Force that would examine Delaware's current system and come up with recommendations for additional reforms. The Task Force would be made up of 16 people including lawmakers, probationers, attorneys who work in the justice system, and behavioral health workers.


Grand FOP Lodge

Fraternal Order of Police, Delaware Lodge 5, is subordinate to the Grand Fraternal Order of Police.  The Grand Lodge represents over 330,000 law enforcement officers across the world.  Find out more about issues to include the "Social Security Windfall Elimination" act to recruitment and retention problems.

Morning Paper
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Officer Wellness

Taking Care of the Individual Officer by Developing a Culture of Wellness

Image by Dan Meyers


Create an environment where it's "ok to not be ok."  Mental Health trauma within the law enforcement community continues to be an ongoing issue.  The reality of some police agencies being slow to recognize this is all too common.  End the stigma.


Peer Support

No one understands the ups and downs of law enforcement better than another law enforcement officer.  Being able to speak to a brother or sister in blue is key to being able to mentally survive a career in law enforcement.

Super Health Food

Healthy Habits

Sleep schedules are off.  You're tired.  Fast food and prepackaged convenience store food becomes common place.  Changing that with a few actionable items will create a career of healthy eating habits.

Image by Carlos Andres Gomez


Law enforcement officers are exposed to some of the most horrible traumas an individual can witness.  Having a guiding connection to spirituality can help an officer navigate a career while keeping a true moral compass.

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Police officers need a family structure.  A network of family, friends, and coworkers, is necessary during the journey of a law enforcement career.

Analysing Data


A solid financial base will help put your mind at ease.  How to plan for near and long term priorities are essential.  

Image by Mario Dobelmann


Processing stress will positively enhance your ability as a law enforcement professional.  Not only will being "mindful" reduce stress, it will extend the longevity of your career and fulfillment to your life as a whole.

Home: Services

Officer Assistance Fund

Helping Officers in their time of need

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Outreach & Fraternity

We are a fraternal organization first.  When one of our members is injured or needs assistance, we help  Whether it's shoveling a snowy driveway for a brother officer with a broken arm or financially assisting a sister officer in a time of family need, the Officer Assistance Fund is a safety net to FOP Lodge 5 members.


If you would like to help, click on the link below to donate today.  Any amount is appreciated and will go a long way in easing the burden on our members in need.

Click below to donate now.  All donations are tax deductible.

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Past Events

Lodge 5 is dedicated to being a presence at various labor events, charity experiences, and social happenings.  Each one of these presents a unique opportunity for Lodge 5 members to stay involved, give back to our communities, and be out and about.

Public Demonstration

Labor Events

See recent labor events in which Lodge 5 has participated.

Getting Soup

Charity Experiences

Check out Lodge 5 members helping to give back to the communities we serve.

Rooftop Party

Social Happenings

Find out what Lodge 5 members have been doing while they're out and about in the community.  

Home: Past Events

2024 - 2026
Board of Directors

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